Bannica Archives is a vast repository of knowledge that transcends the boundaries of time and space. It is a treasure trove of information, containing the history and secrets of countless universes and worlds. Located at the heart of the Bannacis multiverse, Bannica Archives serve as a hub of infinite possibilities, where reality itself seems to warp and bend. It is said that within its walls, one can find forbidden texts and hidden knowledge coveted by many but known only to a select few. Bannica, the legendary location where the Archives reside, is a place of unparalleled wonder and awe, connecting all the varied universes and worlds.


MONGA Location 

To mark the premature end of a war that would have resulted in mass extinction, the presidents of both involved countries boarded a small plane together and ceremoniously jettisoned their nuclear weapons into the ocean. Only, they missed and the nuclear weapons instead landed into Monga’s North River. The newly pink water flowed down the small island’s only waterfall and into the South River, the island’s primary source of water. While initially alarmed, the Mongans quickly became accustomed to pink clouds and rain, curly blue grass, and leaves that change from blue to purple throughout the seasons. The Mongans too transformed, half human, half animal mutations quickly becoming the norm; some even speculate that the animal mutation one receives is directly related to their personality. Many Mongans flock towards those who have similar mutations, excluding people they consider too different from their social circles. Lately however, the people of Monga swear the water has gradually become less pink, the grass less blue, and the apples less purple.

Nestled within Monga lies a captivating tourist destination called Lumi. Lumi AKA Lumi Land is a must-see attraction enchants travelers of all ages that has become a phenomenon in its own right, drawing visitors from far and wide to marvel at its wonders. The allure of Lumi is undeniable, as it offers a unique and unforgettable experience. Whether you're a seasoned traveler or a first-time tourist, a trip to Monga's Lumi is an absolute must.


THE CHROMESCAPE (pronounced “chrome scape”) Universe

The Chromescape is a universe where nearly everything is coated in metal, whether that is the more classic iron or the latest high-grade alloys. Even the very stars are comprised of precious metals and minerals. Within this universe, technology reigns supreme, and every civilization is in an arms race to craft the new hot piece of tech for citizens to graft onto their bodies. To be a cyborg is considered the peak of fashion and excellence, and those who choose not to augment their bodies are considered strange and are often ostracized from polite society. In terms of major players, the Toranius Empire has control of most of the galaxy, but mining colonies in the far reaches of space often play by their own rules. Similarly, there are also worlds like Binary that are allowed to act as their own independent governments, as long as they don’t step on the Toranius Empire’s toes.


THE NANTAVERSE (“naan tah verse”) Universe

Most universes of the multiverse function similarly—pockets of empty space broken up by planets and stars. The Nantaverse is different; it is a micro-universe inside of a massive creature. Because of this, many of the worlds and locations have unique makeups, whether that is a single cell as a planet (Spec), or an archipelago of organic tissue and minerals (Vibrantium). Whether the giant creature that the Nantaverse rests inside of is aware of its denizens is unknown, but several expeditions from various planets have been launched. So far no answers have been deduced, as all ships that have reached the edges of the known universe have vanished under mysterious circumstances, but scientists of Siliconium promise that the next expedition will provide the answers everyone seeks. However, because of the unusual composition of the Nantaverse (and its comparative lack of conductive metals) most worlds are more primitive than the usual space-age universe, with Siliconium as an exception.


THE CURSEREALM (pronounced “curse realm”) Universe

Many places and objects can be considered “unlucky”, but the Curserealm takes this concept to another level. Every single thing in this universe, from the smallest stone to the largest space cruiser, has an aura of ill-fortune about it, whether in the form of a painful past, a curse, or a doomed future. As such, inhabitants of this universe are perpetually fearful of everything around them and treat others with suspicion, and it is common for people with excess money to spend it on purchasing wards and talismans to prevent them from being hexed. That being said, there are small pockets of this realm that are less cursed than others, and it is in these areas that most denizens congregate. There, more-traditional governments are erected, but order is quick to break down if good luck appears to be draining. The bones of thousands of scapegoats litter the outskirts of these civilizations, and the piles are always increasing. 



Planets and stars careen through space, and when galaxies crash into each other it spells disaster for most forms of life. Not so for the Twin Nebulas. Due to some miracle these galaxies didn’t destroy each other, but rather combined, and now many solar systems find themselves with new planets and stars they did not have previously. However, not everything has turned out great. The two galaxies have both brought their own quantities of antimatter, which has resulted in numerous micro black holes dotting space-time. Additionally, the introduction of so many alien moons and planets has caused unpredictable changes with tides, gravity, and more, causing some planets to have their landscapes completely transformed.


PHALAM (“fal am”) World

At first glance, Phalam seems like an anomaly in the Curserealm. A desert realm, it still manages to have a thriving agricultural scene at its several large oases. The fruits and vegetables born from its fertile soils grow larger and more delicious than in any other kingdom, but here is where the dark influence of the Curserealm becomes evident. Those who eat these foods become dependent on them, as consuming anything else only increases the hunger. Functionally, those who live in Phalam are doomed to remain, as they can’t live without their cursed food for long. And more worrisome still, there is evidence to suggest that the fertile soil is beginning to drain away.


THRANIX (“thran icks”) World

The seat of His Holiness the Thrice-Risen Necromancer, Thranix is a kingdom of both miracles and great tragedies. Literally built from the bones of the Necromancer King’s slain enemies, the cities and halls gleam white with walls of preserved skeletons. In this realm the dead can be brought back to life—for a price—and the living try to unravel the great mysteries of the afterlife. It is not uncommon for the nobles of Thranix to live ten times the length of a normal human, sustained as they are by the energies of the fallen. Because of the need for death magic, Thranix often brings back prisoners to drain from its constant wars, and guests in the kingdom need to be wary in case they go from being friend to dinner. However, many brave the dangers in order to seek an audience with the Thrice-Risen, who slumbers in his royal tomb waiting for those worthy enough to approach the throne.


SPEC (pronounced “speck”) World

Spec has the dubious honor of not being a planet made of rock—it is instead one giant living cell. How this creature got so giant, and how it sustains itself, is a mystery, but many researchers suspect that it has something to do with the unusually nutrient-rich gasses in Spec’s orbit. Regardless, denizens of Spec have learned to adapt to living on a giant organism, whether it is wearing digestion-proof gear when fishing in the cell’s stomach area or fertilizing their crops with its still-living fleshy membranes. Several large-scale colonializations of the planet have been attempted, but the strange living conditions have eventually caused most settlers to return to their home planets, leaving only the occasional intrepid scientist or farmer wanting isolation. Now, Spec is a world with only a few medium-sized cities and nomadic tribes, many of whom worship the planet as a sort of god. However, recent earthquakes on Spec have raised a troubling question—is the living cell getting more active?


CHIST (“kisst”) City

The largest city on Spec, Chist is home to the planet’s governmental offices, ambassador quarters, and the major churches of the world religion. One might suspect that the area around Chist is stable to allow a larger population—unlike most of Spec—but this is not the case. Chist is built on a series of water bladders afloat on Lake Hiasmus (“he as muss”), and whenever one patch of water gets too turbulent with digestive juices, the whole city boats to a new location. Chist also serves as a major trade hub, as because Spec is a single-celled organism it lacks a lot of precious metals, and merchants from other worlds provide these valuable supplies. The people of Chist view themselves above the other people of Spec—considering them yokels and paranoid loners—but Chistians are still quick to go back to prayer when things on Spec grow too volatile. Recently, ambitious plans have been unveiled by some of Chist’s leading engineers to help stabilize the planet, but rumors tell that the cost for these improvements is steep indeed…